Based on the current political situation of Ethiopia, do you support PM Dr. Abiy Ahmed? Because Dr. Abiy Ahmed is the current prime minister of Ethiopia he is responsible for the current political situation in Ethiopia. So, based on his ability to lead Ethiopia which satisfies the interest of most Ethiopian people, you can support Dr. Abiy or not.
How to register your vote to support/not support for Dr. Abiy Ahmed?
- If you want to support him, select “Yes” and then click on “Vote“.
- If you do not want to support him, select “No” and then click on “Vote“.
- To see the result, click on “Results“.
[Total_Soft_Poll id=”4″]
- If you want to support him, select “Yes” and then click on “Vote“.
- If you do not want to support him, select “No” and then click on “Vote“.
- To see the result, click on “Results“.