- Course Name: Digital Systems Design
- Course Code: ECEL 4110
- Chapter Title: Introduction to VHDL
- Chapter No.: One
- Lecture Title: VHDL Libraries and Packages
VHDL Libraries and Packages
- VHDL libraries and packages are used to extend the functionality of VHDL by defining types, functions, and components.
- In standard VHDL, some operations are valid only for certain data types.
- The IEEE has developed standard libraries and packages to make design portability easier.
- The original VHDL standard only defines 2-valued logic (bits and bit-vectors).
- The package IEEE.std_logic_1164 defines a std_logic type that has nine values, including ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘X’ (unknown), and ‘Z’ (high impedance).
- The package also defines std_logic_vectors, which are vectors of the std_logic type.
- This standard defines logic operations and other functions for working with std_logic and std_logic_vectors, but it does not provide for arithmetic operations.
Library ieee;
Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
Use ieee.std_logic_signed.all;
Use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
- To access functions and components from a library, you need a library statement and a use statement.
- The statement
library IEEE;
allows your design to access all packages in the IEEE library.
- The statement
use IEEE. std_logic_1164.all;
allows your design to use the entire std_logic_1164 package, which is found in the IEEE library.
- Whenever a package is used in a module, the library and use statements must be placed before the entity in that module period.
Next Lecture: VHDL Description of Variables, Signals and Constants